Palaeogeographic Changes at Lake Chokrak on the Kerch Peninsula, Ukraine, during the Mid- and Late-Holoceneстатья
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Дата последнего поиска статьи во внешних источниках: 18 июля 2013 г.
Аннотация:The aim of this geoarchaeological project was to decipher the palaeogeographic and environmental evolution of Lake Chokrak (Kerch Peninsula, Ukraine) during the mid- and late-Holocene, and to verify archaeological research. The results show major changes of the palaeogeographic setting of Lake Chokrak since the 5th millennium BP, when the post-glacial marine transgression had started to fill the study area. Microfaunal analyses reveal the long persistence of an open marine embayment; it became separated from the Sea of Azov when a sand barrier developed during the late 2nd millennium BC. When colonising the Black Sea region since the 8th century BC, the Greek settlers erected a fortification with a small settlement on a promontory which was by then a peninsula-like headland reaching into the lake. The colonists abandoned their settlement at the end of the 1st millennium BC, when the bathymetry of the surrounding lake decreased from 1.5 m to less than 1 m. Today, Lake Chokrak is dried up completely during summer. A first detailed relative sea level (RSL) curve for the northern coast of Kerch was established. It documents that the sea level has reached its highest position only today. Since the 3rd millennium BC, sea level continuously rose, without any of the previously postulated regression/transgression cycles. Moreover, the reconstructed curve hints to differential subsidence rates within short distances in relatively stable areas, exceeding 40 cm per 1000 years.