Аннотация:The issues of biological and cultural adaptation in various populations of Homo sapiens are extremelyrelevant. In the years 1976-1979 employees of the Research Institute of Anthropology under thedirection of T. Alekseeva conducted a comprehensive anthropoecological study of the Tuvan population.Due to environmental and sociocultural changes in the Republic of Tuva, similar research is particularlyrelevant to assess the degree and direction of adaptive changes in modern Tuvan populations.In2018 and 2019, with the support of the RFBR grant, anthropoecological studies of the Tuvan childrenwere carried out through two expeditions. The studies were carried out in the city of Kyzyl and in thevillage of Toora-Khem of the Todzhinsky kozuun. The total number of examined was 789 children, including373 boys and 416 girls. This study examined indicators of children's physical development, such401as body length, width of the pelvis and shoulders, chest circumference, and body weight. As a result ofthe study, it was possible to identify that boys from Toora-Khem were ahead of boys from Kyzyl by thelength of the body, the width of the pelvis and shoulders, and chest circumference until they reached theage of 16, and later the picture changed to the opposite. In terms of body weight, rural boys were aheadof their peers until they were 12 years old. Girls showed fewer differences in indicators such as bodylength and width of the shoulders and pelvis, while rural girls turned out to be larger than urban peersin terms of chest circumference and body weight, but this difference was small. In conclusion, it is worthnoting that urban and rural children differ slightly. In general, the modern populations of Kyzyl andToora-Khem are at the beginning of the process of change under the influence of environmental factors,which is also especially noticeable in the male part of the population.