Аннотация:Despite researcher’s interest of connection between consumer behaviour and emotions, the problem of the consumption place in the general emotional state remains not covered. This study was conducted on young people who for several days filled in an online diary. There were significant differences in the emotional state in the presence (Me = 16) and absence of expenses (Me = 11.50), and between consumer emotions (joy (Me = 24), surprise (Me = 15.5), sadness (Me = 0)). The consumer emotion of joy relates to social norms and approval by the reference group, satisfaction with spending and their price. The surprise is associated with the payment for goods and services that are not yet normative for their reference group or with monetary replenishment. Sadness is associated with the lower cost of our chosen products, the feeling of overpayment, disappointment, as well as a complete lack of spending, poor physical health and, as we assume, a negative attitude to consumerism. Connections between consumer activity, consumer emotions and the general emotional state are found out. In the future, it is planned to establish causal relations for these phenomena.