Synthesis of 1,2-Dicyano-3-arylcycl[3.2.2]azines – First 1,2-Dicarbonitriles Based on Cyclazine Heterocycleстатья
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Дата последнего поиска статьи во внешних источниках: 28 октября 2020 г.
Аннотация:The first 1,2‐dicarbonitriles have been prepared for cycl[3.2.2]azine systems. An unexpected chlorination of cycl[3.2.2]azine core by thionyl chloride at 4‐position in spite of the presence of two electron‐withdrawing groups has been found, and its electrophilic nature was supported by the DFT calculations. The compounds were shown to be promising blue fluorophores for OLED applications.