Regulation and experience of emotions as predictors of burnout syndrome in mental health specialistsстатьяТезисы
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Дата последнего поиска статьи во внешних источниках: 1 февраля 2021 г.
Аннотация:Introduction: The K. Maslach [1993] model suggests that theburnout syndrome is formed in response to emotionally strainedinterpersonal situations that arise in the process of interactionbetween a mental health specialist and an assisted person. In mostcases, these interactions relate to suffering and emotional distress.Therefore, it can be assumed that the emotion-regulation abilityand daily emotional experiences will determine the manifestationsof the burnout syndrome.Objectives: of this study is to identify the contribution of theemotional intelligence and affective experiences to the general leveland separate dimensions of the burnout in representatives of caringprofessions.Methods: 118 mental health professionals completed the Mayer -Salovey - Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT), the Positiveand Negative Affect Scale (PANAS) and the Maslach BurnoutInventory, adapted for the Russian-language sample group.Results: We obtained significant correlations between the generalintensity of the burnout and the emotional regulation ability, as wellas experiencing positive and negative affects. Regression modelsdemonstrated that 1) emotional exhaustion depends on the degreeof experiencing positive and negative affects, while the contributionof the emotional intelligence was insignificant; 2) depersonalization,in contrast, is partially determined by the level of emotional intelligenceand does not depend on daily affective states; 3) the personalachievements are determined by the positive affect and the emotionalintelligence but are not sensitive to negative emotional experience.Conclusions: The results open up possibilities of constructingprognostic models of the burnout syndrome development in mentalhealth professionals.