Mindfulness and burnout prevention among mental health professionalsстатьяТезисы
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Дата последнего поиска статьи во внешних источниках: 1 февраля 2021 г.
Аннотация:Introduction: Dispositional mindfulness (DM) – the capacity tobring nonjudgmental awareness to everyday activity - is consideredin literature as an effective resource of work-related stress reductionbut much less is known about its ability to influence the developmentof burnout syndrome.Objectives: Two following studies examine impact of dispositionalmindfulness on burnout in mental health professionals.Methods: Mindfulness and burnout were measured by Russianadaptations of FFMQ, MAAS, and Maslach Burnout Inventory.Results: In study 1 professionals with different levels of DM werecompared according to the severity of symptoms of burnout syndrome.Participants (N = 177) using hierarchical cluster analysiswere divided into 3 groups with a high, medium and low level ofmindfulness. Comparison of groups using ANOVA revealed statisticallysignificant differences in terms of emotional exhaustion(F = 5.549, p = .005), depersonalization (F = 4.369, p = .015),reduction of personal achievements (F = 6.693, p = .002) andintegral burnout rate (F = 8.988, p = .000). Participants with higherlevel of mindfulness showed lower rate of burnout. Study 2 examinedwhether development of mindfulness through training affectsthe severity of burnout syndrome. After completing the MBCTprogram, participants from the experimental group significantlyincreased in acting with awareness (Z=-2,499, .012) and nonreacting(Z=-2,120, .034) measured by FFMQ, MAAS (Z=-2.670,.008) and the rate of Personal Achievement (Z=-2.275, .010).Conclusions: The level of mindfulness negatively affects the severityof burnout symptoms. These findings make mindfulness-basedinterventions potentially an effective tool for burnout prevention inmental health professionals.Conflict of interest: NoKeywords: Mindfulness; BurnoutEPV0987Sagacity college: a complementary approach and aprevention model offered in the community to promotegood mental health for seniorsM.-M. Lord1*, C. Briand2 and C. Hand31Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Ergotherapie, Trois-Rivières,Canada; 2Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Department ofEducational Sciences, Trois-Rivières, Canada and 3Western University,Occupational Therapy, London, Canada*Corresponding author.Introduction: Older people with a mental health problem often livewith a complex functional picture, regularly presenting a chronicillness in addition to the impacts of normal aging. In a contextwhere people are living longer, our approach to mental health needsto make accessible effective preventive interventions.Objectives: In this context, the objective of this presentation is totalk about a research project carried out to develop a program logicmodel of a preventive intervention for seniorsMethods: The logic analysis makes it possible to describe thecharacteristics of an intervention in terms of resources, activitiesand expected results in the short, medium and long term. The logicanalysis carried out in this project focused on three major modelingsteps; (1) a literature review, (2) case analysis (3) partnership workwith different key players in the community.Results: The model, called the Sagacity College model, puts forwardan educational approach in the community where all people haveaccess to training on mental health, recovery and well-being. Themodel is based on the proximity of students from diverse backgroundsand on principles of social inclusion. In this intervention,seniors play an active role not only as learners, but as transmitters ofknowledge about health, prevention of mental health disorders andhow act daily.Conclusions: Such an intervention is intended to increase theempowerment of older adults, promote the adoption of behaviorsthat promote good mental health, and improve knowledge of bestpractices to address common mental health disorders.