Аннотация:ABSTRACTIn recent years, in the agricultural sector there is a tendency to increase the production ofcrop products. However, its quality is still not high enough. To improve the situation in thevegetable growing industry, an important place is given to improving breeding and seedproduction, since the variety and high-quality seeds are the main elements of moderncrop cultivation zonal technologies. At the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution“Federal Scientific Vegetable Center” (FSBSI FSVC), vegetable crop breeding has beenput on the innovative path of development, where modern methods are used along withclassical ones: molecular markers on the main of economical important plant determinants, accelerated creation of homogeneous lines using the methods of doubled haploidsand biotechnology of functional products for healthy nutrition. As a result of purposefulselection work, domestic varieties and hybrids of vegetable crops with fundamentally newqualities were created. The geographical location of the branches of the Center allowsyou to create breeding achievements for all potential regions of vegetable growing. In2019, 36 varieties and hybrids of vegetables and melon crops were created, includingcabbage, carrot, tomato, onion, onion Shallot, perennial onion, garlic, peas, bean, cowpea, pumpkin, cucumber, sugar corn, green vegetables culture, spicy-flavouring plantand floral crops. In order to provide the industry with pure-grade quality seed material andincrease the productivity of crops due to the full use of the potential of the variety in theFSBSI FSVC, constant work is carried out in primary seed production. Zonal cultivationtechnologies have been developed that will allow growing domestic products in differentsoil and climatic conditions of the country. Wide introduction of achievements of theRussian vegetable growing science in agricultural production is capable to provide thepopulation of the Russian Federation with high-quality, domestic production.