Spermatozoa morphology of goatfishes (Mullidae): Upeneus sulphureusстатья
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Дата последнего поиска статьи во внешних источниках: 29 апреля 2020 г.
Аннотация:Spermatozoa morphology of sulphur goatfish Upeneus sulphureus is studied by the methods ofscanning and transmission electron microscopy. The shapes of spermatozoon heads are compared in U. sul-phureus, U. tragula, U. margarethae, and Parupeneus multifasciatus. The U. sulphureus spermatozoon is char-acterized by the oval head f lattened on a side, a nucleus with a deep U-shaped fossa, coaxially located cen-trioles, and two mitochondrial sections in the midpiece. On the f lattened side of the head, its apical end isslightly pointed and bent. Based on the spermatozoon head shape, U. tragula and U. margarethae differ fromall representatives of the family Mullidae with described sperm morphology in strongly bent and pointed api-cal end of the spermatozoon head and a single mitochondrial section in the midpiece. The data on compar-ative spermatozoa morphology are discussed in connection with current phylogenetic schemes.