Auxins in potato: molecular aspects and emerging roles in tuber formation and stress resistanceстатья
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Дата последнего поиска статьи во внешних источниках: 29 января 2020 г.
Аннотация:The study of the effects of auxins on potato tuberization corresponds to one of the oldest experimental systems in plant
biology, which has remained relevant for over 70 years. However, only recently, in the postgenomic era, the role of auxin in
tuber formation and other vital processes in potatoes has begun to emerge. This review describes the main results obtained
over the entire period of auxin-potato research, including the effects of exogenous auxin; the content and dynamics of
endogenous auxins; the effects of manipulating endogenous auxin content; the molecular mechanisms of auxin signaling,
transport and inactivation; the role and position of auxin among other tuberigenic factors; the effects of auxin on tuber dormancy;
the prospects for auxin use in potato biotechnology. Special attention is paid to recent insights into auxin function
in potato tuberization and stress resistance. Taken together, the data discussed here leave no doubt on the important role of
auxin in potato tuberization, particularly in the processes of tuber initiation, growth and sprouting. A new integrative model
for the stage-dependent auxin action on tuberization is presented. In addition, auxin is shown to differentially affects the
potato resistance to biotrophic and necrotrophic biopathogens. Thus, the modern auxin biology opens up new perspectives
for further biotechnological improvement of potato crops.