Аннотация:The response of graphite-diamond pixel detectors to Sr-90 beta-particles is reported. Laser induced graphitization was used to realize 200 mu m x 200 mu m square conductive graphite pads on one detector side whereas a large area graphite contact was realized on the other face for biasing. A board with nine hybrid charge sensitive pre-amplifier channels was used to test homogeneity of response of nine pixels at a time. In the dark the current is Ohmic up to 100V where the current increases with a power law. While the bulk pixel resistance is 2.5 x 10(12) Omega, the resistance between adjacent pixels depends on voltage following a power law. Under irradiation a resolved beta-spectrum well separated from the noise contribution was observed on each pixel. The most probable value of the collected charge distribution is voltage dependent and saturates around +/-300V (0.6 V/mu m) with a value of 0.70+/-0.05 fC (4300+/-300 equivalent electrons charge).