Influence of departures from LTE on calcium, titanium, and iron abundance determinations in cool giants of different metallicitiesстатья
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Дата последнего поиска статьи во внешних источниках: 24 января 2020 г.
Аннотация:We have performed statistical equilibrium calculations for Ca I-Ca II, Ti I-Ti II, and Fe I-Fe II by taking into account the nonequilibrium line formation conditions (the non-LTE approach) in model atmospheres of giant stars with effective temperatures 4000 K aecurrency sign T (eff) aecurrency sign 5000 K and metal abundances -4 aecurrency sign [Fe/H] aecurrency sign 0. The dependence of departures from LTE on atmospheric parameters has been analyzed. We present the non-LTE abundance corrections for 28 Ca I lines, 42 Ti I lines, 54 Ti II lines, and 262 Fe I lines and a three-dimensional interpolation code to obtain the non-LTE correction online for an individual line and specified atmospheric parameters.