Smoking in Russia: Recent trends and socio-demographic features. Synthesis of evidence from multiple studiesстатьяКраткое сообщение
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Дата последнего поиска статьи во внешних источниках: 4 мая 2020 г.
Shkolnikov VM,
Churilova E.,
Avdeeva M.,
Malyutina S.,
Kudryavtsev AV,
Jdanov D.,
Cook S.,
Leon DA
Since the mid-2000s life expectancy in Russia has been increasing. In 2008 Russia ratified the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control. To assess the potential contribution of smoking to the recent mortality reduction an authoritative overview of smoking trends is required.
Data and Methods:
Individual-level data (N = 134,565 aged 18-79 years) from 14 population-based surveys conducted in Russia (1975-2017) along with data from all 17 rounds (1996-2016) of the Russian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey (RLMS, N = 142,600).
Current smoking among men was stable at ∼60% until the end of the 2000s after which it declined to ∼50% by 2016. Among men there was a stable education...