Место издания:University of Evora, Special Publication Evora, Portugal Evora, Portugal
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Аннотация:Prominent seasonality were found both in community’s structure and in life cycles of nematodes on mangrove
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intertidal flat. Seasonal changes in nematodes community were studied on the station situated in the mangrove
forest of Kandelia candel in the Red River delta, North Vietnam. Quantitative samples were collected seasonally
in muddy sediments between mangrove trees (in October, January, April and August). Totally 69 species from
44 genera and 21 family were identified in samples. Total nematodes abundance was rather stable with no
prominent pikes, the mean values fluctuate around 600 ind./10 cm2, seasonal differences were not significant.
Species composition is stable during the year and changes appear in relative proportion within the group of
dominated species. Two seasonal aspects in community structure described: in autumn and winter Sabatieria
+ Terschellingia are most common, while Ptycholaimellus + Metachromadoroides predominate in spring and
in summer. Seasonality in community composition reflects mainly combination of different life cycles of most
abundant species. Age structure was described for 11 most common species by seasons. Seasonal changes in
abundance found for all the species in different extent, five species reveal strong seasonal changes with
maximum in different seasons. Life cycles varied from rather smooth with continuous reproduction along the
year to prominent seasonality in reproduction.
Keywords: Nematoda, Vietnam, mangroves, seasonal changes, communities’ dynamics