Controlled release profiles of dipyridamole from biodegradable microspheres on the base of poly(3-hydroxybutyrateстатья
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Дата последнего поиска статьи во внешних источниках: 18 июля 2013 г.
Аннотация:Novel biodegradable microspheres on the base of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) designed for controlled release of antithrombotic drug, namely dipyridamole (DPD), have been kinetically studied. The profiles of release from the microspheres with different diameters 4, 9, 63, and 92 µm present the progression of nonlinear and linear stages. Diffusionkinetic equation describing both linear (PHB hydrolysis) and nonlinear (diffusion) stages of the DPD release profiles from the spherical subjects has been written down as the sum of two terms: desorption from the homogeneous sphere in accordance with diffusion mechanism and the zero-order release. In contrast to the diffusivity dependence on microsphere size, the constant characteristics (k) of linearity are scarcely affected by the diameter of PHB microparticles. The view of the kinetic profiles as well as the low rate of DPD release are in satisfactory agreement with kinetics of weight loss measured in vitro for the PHB films. Taking into account kinetic results, we suppose that the degradation of both films and PHB microspheres is responsible for the linear stage of DPD release profiles. In the nearest future, combination of biodegradable PHB and DPD as a representative of proliferation cell inhibitors will give possibility to elaborate the novel injectable therapeutic system for a local, long-term, antiproliferative action.