Аннотация:At the end of the last century, modern society was given the label “consumer society”, but over the past decades this trend has only intensified. The goal of the study: to find out the mechanisms of young people’s daily consumption, in particular, how they are related with their emotional sphere. We collected 514 diary records (N=73, M = 19.6, sd=1.63). The dairy includes quantitative assessment of mood, a qualitative description of its causes, an assessment of each spending (positive, neutral or negative) and the emotion that best describes their consumer behavior in general(happy, surprise, contempt, sadness, fear, disgust, anger). Qualitative-quantitative methods were used for the analysis: content analysis and thematic modeling (latent placement of Dirichlet). All records based on quantitative subjective assessments were divided into 4 groups: negative emotions (100 entries from -50 to -1), neutral (150 entries from 0 to 14), positive (121 entries from 15 to 30), brightly positive (143 records from 31 to 50). We obtain that more positively consumed days are characterized by more active consumption. For young people,
Viktoriya Nagornova Tatyana Folomeeva
Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia)
there are two main consumer drives that bring satisfaction: procedural, as some kind of ritual, and complete absence of spending. Any spending assessed as typical, complying with family and friends' standards and also perceived as approved by these groups, becomes part of everyday consumption and ceases to be a source of positive emotions. For negative emotional states revealed consumer pattern: visiting a cafe or restaurant with a friend and an average check of about 200 rubles and the emergence of such category as alcohol/cigarettes. In the absence of any spending, which is more characteristic of negatively assessed days, one's own economic behavior was assessed through the prism of a general emotional state. The design of our study doesn’t imply the relationships directions, but on the basis of obtained data, we can draw conclusions about the close relationship of everyday consumption and the general emotional state of young people. Also for our further research, a hypothesis was put forward about the regulatory function of everyday consumption for the general emotional state of young people.