Post‑burn and long‑term fire effects on plants and birds in floodplain wetlands of the Russian Far Eastстатья
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Дата последнего поиска статьи во внешних источниках: 5 июня 2019 г.
Аннотация:Wildfires affect biodiversity at multiple levels. While vegetation is directly changed by fire
events, animals are often indirectly affected through changes in habitat and food availability.
Globally, fire frequency and the extent of fires are predicted to increase in the future.
The impact of fire on the biodiversity of temperate wetlands has gained little attention so
far. We compared species richness and abundance of plants and birds in burnt and unburnt
areas in the Amur floodplain/Russian Far East in the year of fire and 1 year after. We also
analysed vegetation recovery in relation to time since fire over a period of 18 years. Plant
species richness was higher in burnt compared to unburnt plots in the year of the fire, but
not in the year after. This suggests that fire has a positive short-term effect on plant diversity.
Bird species richness and abundance were lower on burnt compared to unburnt plots in
the year of the fire, but not in the year after. Over a period of 18 years, high fire frequency
led to an increase in herb cover and a decrease in grass cover. We show that the effects
on biodiversity are taxon- and species-specific. Fire management strategies in temperate
wetlands should consider fire frequency as a key driving force of vegetation structure, with
carry-over effects on higher trophic levels. Designing fire “refuges”, i.e., areas that do not
burn annually, might locally be necessary to maintain high species richness.