Diffractive optical element for creating visual 3D imagesстатья
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Дата последнего поиска статьи во внешних источниках: 18 июля 2016 г.
Аннотация:A method is proposed to compute and synthesize the microrelief of a diffractive optical element to produce a new visual security feature – the vertical 3D/3D switch effect. The security feature consists in the alternation of two 3D color images when the diffractive element is tilted up/down. Optical security elements that produce the new security feature are synthesized using electron-beam technology. Sample optical security elements are manufactured that produce 3D to 3D visual switch effect when illuminated by white light. Photos and video records of the vertical 3D/3D switch effect of real optical elements are presented. The optical elements developed can be replicated using standard equipment employed for manufacturing security holograms. The new optical security feature is easy to control visually, safely protected against counterfeit, and designed to protect banknotes, documents, ID cards, etc.