Stationary configurations of space tether anchored on smaller primary in three-body problemстатья
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Дата последнего поиска статьи во внешних источниках: 14 августа 2019 г.
Аннотация:Spatial dynamics of a system composed by a planet, its moon and a spacecraft tethered to the moon surface is studied in the framework of circular restricted three-body problem. The moon is assumed to be in synchronous condition (1:1 mean motion resonances) so as to keep its orientation with respect to the planet; the size of the moon is non-negligible. The tether is considered to be light and inextensible. Equilibrium configurations of the tether are identified; their stability is analyzed. The bifurcation points, where the number of equilibria changes and new branches arise, are determined. The theoretical results are applied to particular cases of the Earth-Moon, Mars-Phobos and Pluto-Charon systems.