Use of electric double-layer theory in the mixed-electrolyte method for the calculation of impedance characteristics of ideally polarizable electrodesстатья
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Web of Science
Дата последнего поиска статьи во внешних источниках: 27 мая 2015 г.
Аннотация:A procedure for calculating the impedance of ideally polarizable electrodes and of elements of the electrical equivalent circuits was developed for mixed electrolyte solutions of constant ionic strength on the basis of a theory presented earlier. It was shown that it will suffice in such calculations when using diffuse-layer theory to know the specific adsorption of the surface-active ion at a single value of ionic strength. The approach developed was illustrated with data for 0.1 m KBr + 0.1 (1 - m) KF at the mercury/water interface as a model system.