The analysis of the ChlI 1 and ChlI 2 genes using acifluorfen-resistant mutant of Arabidopsis thalianaстатья
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Дата последнего поиска статьи во внешних источниках: 18 июля 2013 г.
Аннотация:One of the key regulatory enzymes of the chlorophyll biosynthesis pathway is magnesium (Mg) chelatase, consisting of three different subunits CHLI, CHLD and CHLH. While CHLH and CHLD are encoded by a single gene each in Arabidopsis, CHLI is encoded by two homologous genes, ChlI 1 and ChlI 2. Analysis of the acifluorfen herbicide resistant mutant aci5 revealed an alteration of the ChlI 1 gene. This mutant as well as wild type plants contained similar transcript levels of the ChlI 1 and ChlI 2 genes. Moreover, the transcripts of both alleles of the ChlI 1 gene were present in the cs (ch42-2)/aci5 hybrid which showed an albina phenotype. Comparison of the amino acid sequence of CHLI 1 and CHLI 2 encoded in the genome of aci5 and wild type revealed in particular alterations of the C-terminal end which are suggested to be responsible for the decreased ability of CHLI 2 to participate in the formation of the CHLI ring-like structure of the Mg chelatase complex.