Casimir interactions between two short-range Coulomb sourcesстатья
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Дата последнего поиска статьи во внешних источниках: 29 мая 2019 г.
Voronina Yu ,
Komissarov I. ,
Sveshnikov K.
Annals of Physics
Год издания:
Academic Press
Местоположение издательства:
United States
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We calculate the Casimir interaction between two short range
extended charge sources, embedded in a background of one
dimensional massive Dirac fermions. We explore both the induced
polarization density ρvac (x) and the corresponding integral
charge Qvac , as well as the Casimir energy Evac and its contribution
to the interaction between sources. For sources with the
same charge, by means of the novel ln [Wronskian] contour integration
techniques we find that the interaction energy between
two sources can exceed sufficiently large negative values and
simultaneously reveal the features of a long-range force in spite
of non-zero fermion mass, which could significantly influence the
properties of such quasi-one-dimensional systems. For large distances
between sources we recover that their mutual interaction
is governed first of all by the structure of the discrete spectrum
of a single source, in dependence on which it can be tuned
to give an attractive, a repulsive, or an (almost) compensated
Casimir force with various rates of the exponential fall-down,
quite different from the standard exp(−2ms) law.
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