Atomistic simulation of the glancing angle deposition of SiO2 thin filmsстатья
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Дата последнего поиска статьи во внешних источниках: 29 мая 2019 г.
Аннотация:The classical molecular dynamics simulation of the glancing angle deposition of silicon dioxide films with practically meaningful dimensions is performed. The formation of separated slanted columnar structures is investigated for different deposition angles and different energies of sputtered silicon atoms. It is shown that a decrease in the angle between the flux of deposited atoms and the normal to the substrate leads to the decrease of column thicknesses and distances between the columns. The high-energy deposition with small deposition angles results in the formation of dense films without separate columnar structures. The increase of substrate temperature leads to partial merging of nearby columns. The glancing angle deposition with low energies of sputtered silicon atoms results in the growth of disordered columns with different dimensions, shapes, and tilt angles.
Annealing of high-energy glancing angle deposited films results in partial merging of slanted columns. The obtained simulation results are in a good agreement with existing experimental data.