Measurements and Modeling of the Volume Scattering Function in the Coastal Northern Adriatic Seaстатья
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Дата последнего поиска статьи во внешних источниках: 22 февраля 2016 г.
Аннотация:We performed measurements of the volume scattering function (VSF) between 0.5 degrees and 179 degrees with an angular resolution of 0.3 degrees in the northern Adriatic Sea onboard an oceanographic platform during three different seasons, using the multispectral volume scattering meter (MVSM) instrument. We observed important differences with respect to Petzold's commonly used functions, whereas the Fournier-Forand's analytical formulation provided a rather good description of the measured VSF. The comparison of the derived scattering, b(p)(lambda) and backscattering, b(bp)(lambda) coefficients for particles with the measurements performed with the classical AC-9 and Hydroscat-6 showed agreement to within 20%. The use of an empirical relationship for the derivation of b(b)(lambda) from beta(psi,lambda) at psi=140 degrees was validated for this coastal site although psi=118 degrees was confirmed to be the most appropriate angle. The low value of the factor used to convert beta(psi,lambda) into b(b)(lambda) within the Hydroscat-6 processing partially contributed to the underestimation of b(b)(lambda) with respect to the MVSM. Finally, use of the Kopelevich model together with a measurement of b(p)(lambda) at lambda=555 nm allowed us to reconstruct the VSF with average rms percent differences between 8 and 15%.