Refinement equations with nonnegative coefficientsстатья
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Дата последнего поиска статьи во внешних источниках: 18 июля 2013 г.
Аннотация:In this paper we analyze solutions of the n-scale functional equation Ф(x) = Σ_{k∈Z} p_k Ф(nx−k), where n≥2 is an integer, the coefficients {P_k} are nonnegative and Σp_k = 1. We construct a sharp criterion for the existence of absolutely continuous solutions of bounded variation. This criterion implies several results concerning the problem of integrable solutions of n-scale refinement equations and the problem of absolutely continuity of distribution function of one random series. Further we obtain a complete classification of refinement equations with positive coefficients (in the case of finitely many terms) with respect to the existence of continuous or integrable compactly supported solutions.