Dyes characterization for multi-color nanodiagnostics by phonon-less optical reconstruction single-molecule spectromicroscopyстатья
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Дата последнего поиска статьи во внешних источниках: 10 февраля 2016 г.
Аннотация:The phenomenon of the zero-phonon spectral lines (ZPL), which corresponds to pure electronic transitions of impurity dye chromophore centers in solids, has already been the basis of high resolution spectroscopy for a few decades. The unique properties of the phonon-less emission in dye-doped solids (very narrow ZPLs and their extreme sensitivity to local environment) opens qualitatively new instrumental possibilities for sequentially-parallel separate spectromicroscopy of giant ensembles of single dopants. On this base the technique can be realized for multi-color far-field optical nanodiagnostics by phonon-less optical reconstruction single-molecule spectromicroscopy (PLORSM). Here we overview and systematize the already published data on photo-physical properties of a number of dyes (organic fluorescent molecules and quantum dots) in the context of their application in PLORSM in a broad range of temperatures. We show that some of dyes are suitable for realization of PLORSM technique at high (even room) temperatures. - Highlights: • The review on zero-phonon spectral lines parameters for a number of dyes. • Dyes are organic fluorescent molecules and semiconductor quantum dots. • Application for phonon-less optical reconstruction single-molecule spectromicroscopy. • New possibilities for multi-color far-field optical nanodiagnostics. • Some dyes are suitable for the technique usage at high (even room) temperatures