Temperature dependence of single dye-molecules zero-phonon line widths in a broad range of low temperaturesстатья
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Дата последнего поиска статьи во внешних источниках: 20 апреля 2016 г.
Аннотация:In the present work the individual temperature dependences of zero-phonon spectral line widths of single tetra-tert-butylterrylene dye-molecules in polyisobutylene were measured in a broad range of low temperatures (from 20 K up to 67 K). The obtained data show the broad distribution of single molecule zero-phonon spectral line widths measured at the different points of the polymer matrix at the same temperature. It proves that the dynamical processes resulting in spectral lines broadening in this temperature range have the localized character. In particular, it proves the existence and considerable contribution of the localized low-frequency vibration modes to the matrix dynamics along with the phonons.