Visualization and Cytotoxicity of Fluorescence-Labeled Dimeric Magnetite-Gold Nanoparticles Conjugated with Prostate-Specific Membrane Antigen in Mouse Macrophagesстатья
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Дата последнего поиска статьи во внешних источниках: 10 апреля 2019 г.
Аннотация:We demonstrated the possibility of penetration of magnetite-gold nanoparticles conjugated with prostate-specific membrane antigen into mouse macrophages. It was found that after 3-h incubation with nanoparticles in a concentration of 15 mg/liter at 37oC, they were seen in only 13% macrophages. In about 90% cells, the nanoparticles were detected within the cytoplasm. Under these conditions, membrane damage was revealed in 25% cells. These results should be taken into account in further development and application of nanomaterials for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes in oncology.