Hydrogen Oxidation via Free-Radical Nonbranched-Chain Mechanismстатья

Дата последнего поиска статьи во внешних источниках: 23 августа 2019 г.

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1. Полный текст Hydrogen Oxidation via Free-Radical Nonbranched- Chain Mechanism. The kinetic description with use the obtained rate equations is applied to the γ-induced nonbranched-chain process of the free-radical oxidation of hydrogen dissolved in water containing different amounts of oxygen at 296 K. The ratio of rate constants of competing reactions and the rate constant of the addition reaction to the molecular oxygen are defined. M.M._Silaev_Hydrogen_Oxidation_via..._IJIREM_2018_55_166-17… 485,6 КБ 14 августа 2019 [SilaevMM]