Conference of Young Scientists in Mechanics, 4–14 September 2018, Sochi, Russiaстатья
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Аннотация:The All-Russian Conference of Young Scientists in Mechanics [1] brought together young scientists,
academic and industry researchers. The conference aimed at intensification of research activities of the
youth working in the field of mechanics in order to expand their knowledge, develop innovative ideas,
exchange their experience, and establish links between young people working in different scientific
areas as well as between academic science and industry. The age of participants was not limited,
although preference was given to early-career young researchers (up to 40 years), post-doctorate, postgraduate,
and master students. More than 90 young delegates presented their research at the conference.
The event is the second in series. The conference of the year 2017, a first of this kind in Russia, was a
great success that was inherited and multiplied by a more extended conference of this year.
The conference was organized by the Institute of Mechanics of Lomonosov Moscow State University
with organizational support of the Russian National Committee on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
and financial support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research. It was held in the “Burevestnik”
hotel at the Black sea coast near Sochi, Russia, 4–14 September 2018. The intensive scientific
programme alternated with informal activities at the sunny sea coast boosted new scientific interactions
between youth.
The conference topics comprised all fields of theoretical and applied mechanics including fluid
mechanics, solid mechanics, analytical mechanics, mechatronics and control, biomechanics,
astrophysical applications of mechanics, electrodynamics of continuous media, turbulent flows, gas
dynamics, numerical methods in mechanics, and other fields. The conference sections included both
oral and poster presentations selected by the Scientific and Organizing Committees from received
applications. Each scientific session of the conference was opened with a plenary lecture given by a
leading researcher or engineer in the field. Each young participant was given the opportunity to submit up to one oral presentation and two posters. The programme also included a competition of scientific works, brain games, and other informal activities aimed at teambuilding among participants.
102 scientists from more than 40 scientific organizations have participated in the conference. Among
them more than 80% were under the age of 35 years and more than 30% under the age of 25 years. 45
participants were PhD, 33 were PhD students, and 12 were master students. The delegates from the
broad range of research organizations and universities located in Moscow, Saint-Petersburg,
Novosibirsk, Perm, Nizhniy Novgorod, Tomsk, Ekaterinburg, Kazan, Tula, Volgograd, Komsomolskon-
Amur, Krasnodar, and Minsk arrived in Sochi and took part in the event. Overall 88 contributions in field of fluid mechanics, 33 in the field of solid mechanics, 13 in the field of mechatronics and control,
and 5 presentations in other fields of science were presented at the conference.
To make the knowledge opened and boost publication activity, the young participants were given an
opportunity to submit to the Journal of Physics: Conference Series up to one extended paper on his/her
latest results presented at the conference. The papers are overviews of the results presented in both oral
and poster contributions. The review of the submitted papers was organized with the help of the
Scientific and Organizing committees and support of external reviewers from among Russian scientists
in the field of mechanics. The editorial board was formed from the members of the Organizing
Committee. After the review 41 papers were selected for publication in the journal.