C-axis Resistivity of Superconductive FeSe Single Crystals: Upper Critical Field and its Angular Behaviorстатья
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Дата последнего поиска статьи во внешних источниках: 26 декабря 2018 г.
Аннотация:We report out-of-plane magnetotransport ρc(B, T) measurements for a high quality superconducting FeSe single crystals in magnetic fields up to 9 Tesla. Samples, grown from the flux under a permanent gradient of temperature with [001] crystallographic orientation were put in magnetic field parallel to ab-plane. The samples were rotated around c-axis, and its superconducting transitions R(H) were measured for each fixed angle in several temperatures. We show that Hc2 is anisotropic in these relatively small fields, with Hc2||a/Hc2||b being ∼1.2 for T=8.3K.