Аннотация:Enhancing our supervised classification procedures of remote sensing
imagery processing, we compare the relevant results of airborne hyperspectral and
satellite multispectral images given by WorldView-2 for the same test area. The
string and rod problems are considered to solve the regularization procedure of the
ill-posed inverse problem. The technique of error correcting output codes (ECOC) is
used to test different designs of the related classifier by employing the listed airborne
and spaceborne data. As a result, confusion matrices are shown of the main objects
classification using these hyperspectral and multispectral remote sensing systems.
Comparisons are made with typical ground-based forest inventory map of the test
area. We can conclude similar errors of the forest canopy recognition while
separating the pixels in accordance with their three categories of the Sun illumination
(completely shaded; half shaded; sunlit tops) for each class of the forest objects on the
images under processing. This is a characteristic feature of processing images of high
spectral and spatial resolution.