Аннотация:In the paper the experience in application methods based on the spectral amplitude characteristic analysis of seismic waves are described: STAN analysis, spectral decomposition, AVB analysis. According to the spectral-time analysis, it was possible to identify the sea level changes and the main strategraphic horizons that are referred to the boundaries of sequences or to maximum flooding surfaces. The application of the spectral decomposition method made it possible to define the location of Permian age channels and to estimate their thickness. There are three types of spectral decomposition methods in the paper. The first one is based on the Short Time Fourier transform, the second one is based on the Wavelet transform, the last one is based on the matching pursuit algorithm. Method AVB (amplitude versus bandwidth) study the change of the reflected wave amplitude as a function of the filter bandwidth applied to the trace. Analysis of the model data show that the value of the tangent of the straight line passing through the maximum point of the AVB function and the point of constant value defines the thin gradient layer with absolute transgression acoustic impedance change.