Distinct Pathways From Parental Beliefs and Practices to Children’s Numeric Skillsстатья
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Дата последнего поиска статьи во внешних источниках: 6 февраля 2020 г.
Аннотация:It is imperative to identify contextual factors contributing to the development of early math skills, considering their role in later academic achievement. To pursue this goal, the present study investigated the paths connecting parental beliefs and practices during the preschool years to children’s numeric skills at the end of kindergarten (N = 98). Results were consistent with theoretical predictions of specific relations between particular types of parental input and different aspects of number knowledge. Direct math learning activities mediated the relation between parental beliefs and children’s number identification skills. Daily activities involving quantitative components mediated the relation between parental beliefs and children’s numerical magnitude understanding. Both types of activities predicted arithmetic skills that integrate the basic aspects of symbolic number knowledge. These findings contribute to developmental theory by specifying how characteristics of children’s environments are related to particular aspects of their development, which is critical for informing intervention work to improve early math skills.