Аннотация:We study different samples of serpentine from various deposits and detect features of the minerals formed at high pressures and temperatures.
We studed different physical properties of the selected samples (volume
density, velocity of the elastic waves, microhardness, magnetic susceptibility) and the modules of the deformations
were calculated.
We compared our results with literary data (Bezacier et al, 2010). Values of Vp for our samples are close to
the values received earlier for aggregates of antigorite. Values of Vs for our samples are much lower, than ones
measured earlier. Anisotropy also is different. Especially significant differences are observed for samples 4 and
10. They are associated with presence of the opal (4) and an abundance of streaks of chrysotile-asbestos in a
lizarditic matrix (10). Physical parameters of the antigorite-bearing samples (9 and 7) are closest to the constants
received by Brillouin spectroscopy method.