Normal glow discharge investigation in inert gases and nitrogen between flat electrodes with 20 mm of discharge gapстатьяЭлектронная публикация
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Дата последнего поиска статьи во внешних источниках: 10 августа 2018 г.
Аннотация:Experimental studies of normal glow discharge (NGD) phenomen on have been carried out in the NGD facility at the Institute for Problems in Mechanics RAS. For helium, argon and nitrogen at the pressure values of 1-10 Torr, the dependences of the characteristic dimensions of the discharge current glow region are obtained. The results of the measurements were compared with calculations performed according to the formulas of Engel and Steinbeck's theory. Spectral measurements of radiation from different regions of normal glow in nitrogen for a pressure of 10 Torr are carried out.