A study of inner-valence Auger transitions in Ne+ induced by the resonant Auger decay of photoexcited Ne 1s(-1)np statesстатья
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Дата последнего поиска статьи во внешних источниках: 29 мая 2015 г.
Аннотация:High-resolution electron spectrometry is used to investigate inner-valence Auger transitions in Ne+. The following series of transitions have been observed: Ne+ 2s(1)2p(5)(P-1,P-3)np -> Ne2+ 2S(2)2p(4) (3)p, D-1 and Ne+ 2s(0)2p(6)(S-1)np -> Ne2+ 2s(1)2p(5) (1,3)p. In addition, we have observed a new series of valence inter-multiplet Auger transitions Ne+ 2s(1)2p(5)(P-1)np -> Ne2+ 2s(1)2p(5) P-3. The initial states of these transitions were populated by the resonant Auger decay of photoexcited Ne 1s(-1)np resonances. Thus, the investigated transitions constitute the second step in an Auger cascade process. The photon energy was chosen to effectively populate Rydberg states of Ne+ with n = 4-10. The energy positions, quantum defects, relative intensity and angular distribution parameters of the Ne+ Auger electron emission have been determined. Experimental results are compared with multi-configuration Dirac-Fock calculations carried out as a part of this study.