Аннотация:Our study is based on the vectors of rotation of ten major lithospheric plates, that we estimated from continuous GPS observations at 192 globally distributed stations; 71 stations were selected as representing stable plate regions. The time series in the analysis span all days in the interval 1995-2007. In contrast to previous GPS plate models, we estimate relative plate rotations and plate-residual station velocities independently of any reference frame of the ITRF series. We analyze the drift of several ITRF origins relative to the center of plate rotation and show that the drift cannot be neglected in estimating plate motions, especially if the most recent ITRF2005 is used. The solution presented here is obtained under the constraint of no-net translation imposed on plate- residual velocities. Actually, we introduce the reference frame self-consistent with the plate kinematics, with the frame origin at the center of the sphere whose outer shell contains lithospheric plates. The model of the plate kinematics presented here addresses the problem debated since the start of the space geodesy, How big are disagreements between the current and geologic plate motions? We compare the vectors of relative plate rotations in our model with the published vectors from GPS and geologic models for several plate pairs discussed for over a decade. We also analyze the integrity of individual plates as evidenced by plate- residual station velocities. For seven largest plates, the rms value of plate-residual station velocities in stable plate interiors is 0.5-0.9 mm/yr; this value can be regarded as an upper bound on deviation of real plates from infinite stiffness.