Аннотация:Oligomerization of beta-amyloid peptide (Ab) plays crucial role
in the development of Alzheimer0s disease (AD). Therefore the
study of AD-associated mutations and post-translational modifications
of the Ab metal-binding domain, Ab(1–16), will help to
reveal the mechanism of Zn2+-induced Ab oligomerization. We
have characterized interactions of Zn2+ with Ab(1–16)H6R,
incorporating the H6R English familial mutation, and with
isoAb(1–16), containing isomerized Asp7. We have previously
shown that isomerization of Asp7 results in Zn2+-induced dimerization
of Ab(1–16). In this study, using ITC and SPR we have
shown that the H6R mutation of Ab favors this process as well.
NMR experiments have demonstrated that at low concentrations
Ab(1–16), Ab(1–16)H6R and isoAb(1–16) form dimers with similar
conformation in the presence of Zn2+. At higher concentrations
of Ab(1–16) monomeric form is prevalent compared to
dimeric (PDB ID 1ZE9). With increasing Ab(1–16)H6R concentration
a significant quantity of the dimer complex is formed as a
result of the exclusion of His6 from the Zn2+coordination
sphere. This allowed us to determine an NMR structure of the
Ab(1–16)H6R dimer complexed with Zn2+ (PDB ID 2MGT)
and to characterize the dimerization interface, which is common
for the analyzed isoforms of Ab(1–16). In the case of isoAb(1–
16) increase of peptide concentration leads to the formation of
insoluble aggregates, indicating the existence of additional Zn2+
chelating center. QM/MM calculations showed that this center
can be formed by His6 and isoAsp7. Based on these data we propose
a mechanism of Zn2+-induced oligomerization of Ab(1–16)
H6R and isoAb(1–16).