Modification of Kolmogorov spectra of weakly turbulent shear Alfven waves by dust grainsстатья
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Дата последнего поиска статьи во внешних источниках: 10 августа 2018 г.
Аннотация:Decay instabilities and Kolmogorov-type spectra of weakly turbulent shear-Alfvén waves in dusty plasmas are analyzed in the limit when the wave dispersion is produced solely by the dust grain density inhomogeneity. It is shown that the reduced equations for weakly nonlinear and dispersive waves possess two conservation laws for the wave energy and generalized enstrophy. It turns out that the weakly turbulent plasma Kolmogorov spectra associated with these conservation laws are nonlocal. It is found that the presence of a dust grain inhomogeneity leads to the formation of an Iroshnikov-Kraichnan type energy spectrum related to the energy conservation law. The possibility of the existence of such spectra in space plasmas is discussed. The specific features of the obtained energy spectra can be used for the identification of dust grains in the Earth's ionosphere, the solar wind and the interstellar medium using the data collected by magnetometers onboard satellites.