[Effect of surface-active agents (tween-21) on indices of energy metabolism in oleandomycin producers]статья
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Дата последнего поиска статьи во внешних источниках: 4 сентября 2018 г.
Аннотация:The specific growth rate of Streptomyces antibioticus, a producer of oleandomycin, and the specific rate of the antibiotic accumulation in the culture medium during fermentation were investigated. On the basis of the results obtained the fermentation period was divided into 7 phases of development. The culture treated with the surfactant (Tween-21) is characterized by a higher specific growth rate during the whole fermentation and a higher specific rate of the antibiotic accumulation at the stage of the highest production as compared to the control. The ATP content, the value of the adenylate energy charge and the contents of high-molecular weight polyphosphates in the mycelium were examined. In the phase of the intensive growth St. antibioticus was characterized by a higher ATP level and a higher energy charge. More active accumulation of polyphosphates was observed in the late intensive growth phase. It was also found that after the treatment of the culture with Tween-21 it utilized polyphosphates more actively during the antibiotic biosynthesis.