Amplitude Calibration of the Tunka Radio Extension(Tunka-Rex)статья
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Дата последнего поиска статьи во внешних источниках: 9 октября 2015 г.
Аннотация:Tunka-Rex is an experiment for the radio detection of cosmic-ray air showers in
Siberia. It consists of 25 radio antennas, distributed over an area of 1 km2
. It is co-located
with Tunka-133, an air-Cherenkov detector for cosmic-ray air showers. Triggered by Tunka-133,
Tunka-Rex records the radio signal, emitted by air showers with energies above 1017 eV. Its goal
is to probe the capabilities of a radio detector, especially for the determination of the energy and
elemental composition of cosmic ray primaries. To compare the measurements of Tunka-Rex to
other radio detectors or to models describing the radio emission, the radio signal in each station
has to be reconstructed in terms of physical units. Therefore, all hardware components have to
be calibrated. We show how the calibration is performed and compare it to simulations.