Аннотация:Introduction: The oxidative stress is supposed to be key factor in multiple diseases.
The aim of the study was to examine the effects of excessive GH secretion on the blood antioxidant system: total antioxidant capacity (TAC) of plasma; superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase activities (CAT); ceruloplasmin (CP); non-protein thiol (NT), and level of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS).
Materials: Eleven patients with active acromegaly were included in the study. The state of the antioxidant system was examined and compared with these of a control group (nine persons).
Results: In patients with acromegaly the TAC levels and SOD activity were significantly lower (for 20 and 30%), than corresponding control data, whilst TBARS and CP levels were significantly higher (for 50 and 40% respectively).
Conclusions: The present work has demonstrated that parameters of the blood antioxidant system are impaired in patients with active acromegaly, what indicates the development of oxidative stress.
Disclosure: Authors have nothing to disclose.