Аннотация:Earlier the authors offered an equivariant version of the classical monodromy zeta function of a G-invariant function germ with a finite group G as a power series with the coefficients from the Burnside ring of the group G tensored by the field of rational numbers. One of the main ingredients of the definition was the definition of the equivariant Lefschetz number of a G-equivariant transformation given by W. Lück and J. Rosenberg. Here we use another approach to a definition of the equivariant Lefschetz number of a transformation and describe the corresponding notions of the equivariant zeta function. This zeta-function is a power series with the coefficients from the Burnside ring itself. We give an A’Campo type formula for the equivariant monodromy zeta function of a function germ in terms of a resolution. Finally we discuss orbifold versions of the Lefschetz number and of the monodromy zeta function corresponding to the two equivariant ones.