The cnidarian blastoporal organizerНИР

Соисполнители НИР

University of Vienna Соисполнитель

Источник финансирования НИР

Международная организация/программа, FWF (Austrian Science Foundation) Lise Meitner program M 1140-B17

Этапы НИР

# Сроки Название
1 1 ноября 2009 г.-31 декабря 2010 г. The cnidarian blastoporal organizer
Результаты этапа: To study inductive activity of the Nematostella organizer, we have performed a number of transplantation experiments. The general scheme of transplantation experiment has been already published (Kraus et al, 2007). We transplanted a small fragment of the blastopore lip taken from the donor embryo into the blastocoel roof of recipient embryo. The size of the transplants corresponded to the equivalent of 10–20% of the circumference of the blastopore lip (about 20–30 μm in diameter). Recipient embryos were fixed at different time points after the transplantation to study them using the combination of histological, electron microscopy, confocal microscopy and in situ hybridization techniques. 1) We found that formation of secondary axial structures starts with the heeling of wound that has been made in the course of transplanation. Wound margins sink into the blastocoel in a way that reminds morphogenetic movements of the blastopore lip in the normal development. Transplanted fragment sinks completely or partially together with the wound margins. First morphological structures of developing secondary body are the secondary mouth and the developing secondary pharynx, which become visible after 24 – 36hh after the transplantation. 48 hours after the transplantation, the secondary body begins to elongate. Formation of the secondary mesenterial system and secondary tentacles takes the next 2 or 3 days. Histological and EM analysis showed that the secondary pharynx and secondary tentacles do not differ significantly from the normal ones. However, the secondary body never formed its own mesenterial system, which would be anatomically independent from the host mesenterial system. Secondary mesenteries always look like outgrowths (branches) of the primary ones. 2) We have shown that the part of transplanted fragment situated inside the recipient contributes to formation of the secondary pharynx and secondary mesenterial system. The part of transplanted fragment remaining on the surface takes part in the formation of secondary tentacles and the oral end of the secondary body. We confirmed that recipient tissues contribute significantly to the formation of the secondary axis. We have never observed a secondary axis made exclusively from the donor tissue. 3) We have obtained the data on the involvement of some components of the canonical Wnt signaling pathway in the patterning of the secondary axis forming upon transplantation. 4) To obtain information on the involvement of the canonical Wnt cascade in the activity of the Nematostella organizer, we performed hyperactivation of the canonical Wnt signaling pathway by incubating the embryos in the 1µM solution of azakenpaullone (Sigma) in Nematostella medium. Azakenpaullone is a specific inhibitor of glycogen-synthase kinase GSK-3thereby mimicking a global Wnt signal (Kunick et al., 2004; Teo et al., 2006). In order to to understand the molecular machinery underlining the differentiation of the presumptive organizer region in Nematostella, we have studied the temporal and spatial patterns of ectopic expression of blastopore-associated genes in the late gastrulae underwent azakenpaullone treatment. From the data obtained, we can draw the conclusion that the members of Wnt family in Nematostella are sensitive to the action of other components of Wnt signaling pathway, and that the expression of NvBra and NvFoxA may be regulated by Wnt signaling. The modulation of the expression of organizer-associated genes by antagonists of Wnts, such as Dickkopf, and the role of these antagonists in the formation of secondary axial structures will be clarified during further investigations.

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