Memorandum of Understanding for performing the SPD Experiment at the NICA Collader between the SPD Collaboration, Joint Institute for the Nuclear Research(“JINR”), Dubna, as the Host Laboratory and the SPD Collaborating Institutions (“the Collaborating Institutions”)НИР


Этапы НИР

# Сроки Название
1 11 января 2022 г.-31 декабря 2022 г. Memorandum of Understanding for performing the SPD Experiment at the NICA Collader between the SPD Collaboration, Joint Institute for the Nuclear Research(“JINR”), Dubna, as the Host Laboratory and the SPD Collaborating Institutions (“the Collaborating Institutions”)
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2 1 января 2023 г.-31 декабря 2023 г. Memorandum of Understanding for performing the SPD Experiment at the NICA Collader between the SPD Collaboration, Joint Institute for the Nuclear Research(“JINR”), Dubna, as the Host Laboratory and the SPD Collaborating Institutions (“the Collaborating Institutions”)
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