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Интеллектуальная Система Тематического Исследования НАукометрических данных |
Regular and Chaotic Dynamics (RCD ) is an international journal publishing research papers in dynamical systems theory and its applications. Rooted in the Moscow school of mathematics and mechanics, the journal successfully combines classical problems, modern mathematical techniques and breakthroughs in the field.
Regular and Chaotic Dynamics welcomes papers that establish original results, characterized by rigorous mathematical settings and proofs, and that also address practical problems. In addition to original research papers, the journal publishes review articles, historical and polemical essays, and translations of works by influential scientists of past centuries, previously unavailable in English. Along with regular issues, Regular and Chaotic Dynamics also publishes special issues devoted to particular topics and events in the world of dynamical systems.
In this journal, special attention is given to: