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Safety barriers should be constructed to prevent leakage of radionuclides and other contaminators from radioactive waste storages and repositories. Barrier types can be different in processing technology, materials, location (inner or outer barrier) etc. Combination of different barriers and sufficient quantity of them make whole safety system to be proof. Materials, used for creation of safety barriers near radioactive waste storages, should be compatible with rocks and formations around the storage. Natural materials based on silicate compounds and minerals (e.g. clays) comply with the requirements. Variants of these barriers creation using natural bentonite clays via dry filling or solution injection are discussed. Creation of “wall in the ground” barrier via injection of various aluminosilicate gel-forming liquids based on liquid glass is also possible. This barrier allows to decrease filtration rate through water-saturated sands down to 10-3 – 10-4 m/day. Good sorption properties of constructed barriers are achieved by adding of phosphates in gel-forming compositions. Actinides distribution coefficient on samples of this barrier reaches 3•Е4 cm3/g.