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Интеллектуальная Система Тематического Исследования НАукометрических данных |
Motions of the solar prominence mass are always a marker of its activity. In some cases the motion can be interpreted as rotation and the most enigmatic kind of the rotation looks like terrestrial tornadoes. Nowadays there are sets of rotation in prominences based on the EUV observations by space observatories. However, only spectral observations could give us the direct information about the rotation parameters. Rotation of the prominence body can be detected from the typically inclined spectral lines. We present a study of parameters of prominence rotation according a selected Hα spectral and filtergram observations by the ground-based MFS&HSFA2 spectrographs at Ondřejov for 2000 - 2016 period. Maximal Doppler velocities are displayed in the Table 1. Observations are compiled in a database containing basic information about time of observation of prominences, Hα slit-jaw image, Hα spectrum and related data from Solar Dynamics Observatory. We carried out study of the structure and dynamics of several selected prominences and compared Hα data with those of 304 Å, 193 Å, 171 Å images. The catalogue is available at http://radegast.asu.cas.cz/MFS/morfolog_cataloque/01.html.
№ | Имя | Описание | Имя файла | Размер | Добавлен |
1. | Презентация | rotation_prominences_var17_lkk_cor.pdf | 408,0 КБ | 31 августа 2017 [KupryakovYA] |