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Интеллектуальная Система Тематического Исследования НАукометрических данных |
In the study we examined the associations between self-evaluations and siblings’ evaluations. Subjects: 159 pairs of adult siblings (N = 318; mean age of older sibling – 29.3 years; mean age of younger sibling – 26.4 years). Methods: Eysenck Personality Inventory (EPI), Short Big 5, Locus of Control Questionnaire, Sensation Seeking Scale, Tolerance Scale, Intelligence Scale, Career Success Scale, Life Success Scale. Every member of the sibling pair has completed questionnaires twice. Firstly, respondent estimated himself, secondly, questionnaires were completed for the sibling (as “if I were my sibling”). There were found out sibling’s evaluations of Extraversion, Openness to experiences, Intelligence, Career Success and Success Scale are higher than the self-evaluations; siblings’ evaluations of Neuroticism are lower than the self-evaluations. In addition, younger sibling estimates Extraversion, Openness to experiences, Intelligence, Career Success and Life Success of older sibling higher, and Neuroticism lower than older sibling estimates the same characteristics of younger sibling.