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Интеллектуальная Система Тематического Исследования НАукометрических данных |
Organic semiconducting monolayers have high potential for ultrathin electronics. The best monolayer electronic devices are based on crystalline monolayers. However, the local monolayer order has practically not been studied. To probe the monolayer domain structure with the spatial resolution less than 1 um, Raman spectroscopy can serve as a useful tool. In this work, we report Raman study of semiconducting monolayers D2-Und-4T-Hex and O(Si-Und-PTTP-TMS)2 prepared by Langmuir technique. As the monolayers give a very weak Raman signal, to amplify it, we apply surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS). We succeeded in obtaining Raman map for D2-Und-4T-Hex and O(Si-Und-PTTP-TMS)2. Using optical and atomic force microscopies, we found that D2-Und-4T-Hex films have a domain structure, where O(Si-Und-PTTP-TMS)2 films do not. We discuss how the Raman maps are associated with structural features of the monolayers.